Ethereum Faucet

Get your free ether!

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We're giving away ETH every 60 minutes!

300 gwei (30%) 400 gwei (65%)
800 gwei (3%) 1500 gwei (1.9%)
5000 gwei (0.099%) 2500000 gwei (0.001%)

All you have to do is enter your Ethereum address and solve the captcha! Then find more Ethereum faucets at FaucetDump.

Turbo charge your faucet earnings!

You can now mine Ethereum in your browser! Hashes solved are converted to ETH and credited to your faucet balance daily!

This is opt-in only - no mining will occur without your permission :)

This is a BETA version while we iron out any bugs that come up.

Look for the Mining Console on the Account page.

Enter your Ethereum address

Verification failed
Remember - you need make a claim at least once every 30 days to keep your account active! Find out more



Address Claim Type
0xb5e0cb9c36cc1... 30 Referral
0x11f85ce14de0c... 300 Claim
0x7e52837Be5c3b... 300 Claim
0xFe7571c7075B5... 400 Claim
0x75E229eB1cB61... 300 Claim
0xaaA2aEA7ba004... 300 Claim
0x0bfCE7A5ABF65... 400 Claim
0x698bd6e4a0b62... 400 Claim
0x60D1fCdD61A8c... 40 Referral
0xf6e15e25edc3f... 300 Claim
Updated: 2018-06-05 04:20:05 UTC


Address Total Claimed
0xb5e0cb9c36cc1... 0.121382790
0x575e7e2e5c6d6... 0.005382700
0x89380217d44e5... 0.005145300
0x96e04ca7125bc... 0.003809600
0x81f019513a943... 0.003054500
0xfC8b493858137... 0.003001130
0xdf9b88aea8b89... 0.002703900
0x5339e1049dbBd... 0.002634800
0xfbdc9d91447f5... 0.002604600
0x5e6f65451f557... 0.002603800
Updated: 2018-06-05 04:20:07 UTC


Address Total Mined
0x44f790e364067... 0.023782000
0xa07BC2ad81208... 0.012659930
0x6B80F4a0462f9... 0.009503950
0x5A8E62a7aF593... 0.008181690
0x715d38631fbc0... 0.008023970
0xC2871cb6b0007... 0.007977450
0x3D3200530a036... 0.007836030
0x4205e92f84210... 0.006213070
0xb855cab3137df... 0.005882160
0xf0AFCF34B4005... 0.005877370
Updated: 2018-06-05 04:20:08 UTC


Date Address Sent Status TxID
3-Jun-2018 11:23:04 0x25784386cdf02... 0.002024190 ETH Complete 0x608b4b327a053...
1-Jun-2018 19:30:50 0xaA6a0D6Ff1FC2... 0.002016400 ETH Complete 0xf231a78be61ba...
1-Jun-2018 16:55:30 0x8f9b1b062ee5d... 0.002004700 ETH Complete 0xc8039be4605e2...
31-May-2018 07:36:26 0xd21283c75e359... 0.002081060 ETH Complete 0x0c25a19025fcf...
31-May-2018 06:56:11 0x6e044927343d7... 0.002187530 ETH Complete 0x47986bda3c4d0...
Updated: 2018-06-05 04:20:08 UTC

What is Ethereum?

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third party interference.

Get Ethereum!
Apps run on a custom built blockchain, an enormously powerful shared global infrastructure that can move value around and represent the ownership of property. This enables developers to create markets, store registries of debts or promises, move funds in accordance with instructions given long in the past (like a will or a futures contract) and many other things that have not been invented yet, all without a middle man or counterparty risk.

Mining Ethereum

This year the price of Ethereum exploded with many users experiencing profits over 3000%! It is currently the second most valuable cryptocurrency by market cap. You can mine Ethereum using just a GPU which makes it a potentially profitable coin to mine. now enables you to mine ETH directly in your browser!

Just make a claim and visit the Account page when you can use the mining console to start mining Ethereum straight away. All your mining income is directly credited to your balance each day. You can adjust how much of your computer resources to use for mining by setting the number of threads and mining speed. To increase your hash rate you can mine on multiple computers!

Trading Ethereum

If you want to turn your Ether hoard directly into cash or are just looking to make cash off cryptocurrency trading, EthereumFaucet.Info recommends Changelly. You can buy and sell ETH instantly with their easy to use interface. It couldn't be easier to start trading like a pro!

Inactive accounts

To ensure the highest possible payouts, it is necessary to free up ETH claimed by users that no longer use the faucet.

If you have not made a claim or mined in the last 30 days your account will be deemed inactive and your non-withdrawn balance will be forfeited. Any referrals you have made will also be removed from the system.